flake.nix, devenv.sh, flox


Because a code machine is just a NixOS machine with flakes enabled, even a empty code machine supports flakes per default (try codchi init <NAME> without args!). But you can use the configuration to provide tools which the flake doesn't provide:

{ pkgs, ... }: { # Direnv support direnv = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; # use_nix and use_flake support nix-direnv.enable = true; }; # See <https://codchi.dev/docs/config/editor.html> on how to add an editor }

devenv.sh, flox

As described in the intro, Codchi doesn't try to do the job of tools like devenv.sh or flox. Instead, both can be used together, each for their respective purpose: Codchi provides a consistent environment across Windows and Linux and devenv or flox provide the development environment itself.

{ pkgs, ... }: { # For direnv support # direnv = { # enable = true; # enableBashIntegration = true; # # use_nix and use_flake support # nix-direnv.enable = true; # }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.devenv # Or see <https://flox.dev/docs/install-flox/#install-flox-from-scratch> on how to install flox ]; # See <https://codchi.dev/docs/config/examples/editor.html> on how to add an editor }